Victoria and Albert Museum
London, 2024
Artical about digital Elovution
''Digital art' describes the use of technology in creative thinking and art making. Ranging across a wide variety of mediums, digital art spans from computer, generative, robotic, kinetic, and net art, through to post-internet, virtual reality, and augmented reality art.
Conceptually, the origins of digital art can be traced back to ideologies present in the avant-garde art movements of the first half of the 20th century. Movements such as Modernism, Futurism, Abstraction and Op art responded to the rapid evolution of transport and communications systems, and to new scientific discoveries made as a consequence of war. World conflict too led to the unprecedented movement of people and exchange of ideas and set in motion conditions for what was to become an increasingly globalised society. While artists were keenly interested in innovations such as radars, microwaves and computers, the rich potential of modern technologies as tools in art only began to be explored as access increased in the 1950s and beyond.
Typically identified as a close collaboration between computer and artist, digital art, in fact, grew out of partnerships between scientific labs and artists eager to gain access to new technological mediums. These collective efforts contributed to shaping today's technologies and their aesthetic qualities.